Essential Rewards


Once you get your kit, start using your oils, and fall in love, you will want to order new oils, shampoos, lotions, hand soap, and wellness products each month. Young Living has a program called, Essential Rewards, that gives you the ability to have a monthly order. Here is why you would LOVE receiving a monthly wellness box with Essential Rewards!

8 Reasons to Love Essential Rewards

1. Build your oils cabinet and switch to Young Living's amazing quality products.

2. You earn 10%-25% back on your orders that you can use on free products.

3. Change shipping date each month (up until midnight of date set)

4. Completely flexible! Change your order as much as you like.

5. Earn points on each order to redeem free products!

6. No risk - cancel anytime (make sure you use any available points before canceling!)

7. Access to exclusive discounted Essential Reward kits! (Thieves, Ningxia Red, ART skincare, and more!) 

8. Ordering $100 PV or more qualifies you for all bonuses and commissions.

Essential Rewards Budget

For just $50 a month you can be on Essential Rewards and receive all of those amazing benefits and do it on a budget! Think about all of those products you could just "move the budget" from grocery store to Young Living!

+ Kids Mightyvites $24.75 ( vitamins)

+ Cedarwood Oil $11.25 (sleep support) 

+ Thieves dish soap $13.75 ( chemical free home)

+ Lavender Lip Balm $4.00

Total- $53.75


+ Thieves laundry soap: $28.75 ( 64 LOADS!)- my other laundry detergent from the store has half the loads. 

+ RC oil - $10.25, 

+ Lemon oil - $11.25

Total - $50.25

For anyone wanting to order oils each month and wanting a cost effective way to start a chemical free home and oily's a steal! I know you would love it as much as I have!

Signing up for Essential Rewards

If you are not a Young Living member yet, you can sign up for essential rewards with your starter kit, select your Essential Rewards kit! If you don’t want a Essential Rewards kit and want one to customize your order, follow these instructions:

+ Go into Essential Rewards

+ Click continue to autoship

+ Click EDIT

+ Click add product

+ Click Save

You can purchase products that you would be buying anyways (shampoo, vitamins, toothpaste, etc) while hitting that 100 PV (product value, which is typically one point per dollar) to get commissions, discounted shipping and more! You do not have to sign up with a package, you can tailor it to meet your needs! 

Lots of people don't understand that when you signup and buy oils for the first time from Young Living you are joining a team! That team will be your oily and biz mentors. It's so critical to be intentional to join a team that will pour into you. Even if you do not put a number in the sponsor/ enroller spots, Young Living will assign you to a team. Make sure you are joining a team that is ready to walk along side you, I can't emphasize this enough!!! The community is one of the most beautiful and unexpected parts for me. My team is truly like a family, learning and educating and working towards wellness together. It's really a gift. If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, email me! 

Are you ready to start your journey with Essential Oils?? I would be thrilled to have you on my team. I promise you that I will be with you every step of the way. We have an amazing supportive system here and you will absolutely fall in love with our community!

+ Go to the Young Living Sign-Up page: SIGN UP HERE!

+ Make sure you’ve checked Young Living wholesale member! (The wholesale will get you 24% discount for life!)

+ Enter this number 2551372 in the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID areas

+ Fill out your information and be sure to include your email. I can contact you this way and add you to our private Facebook group.

+ Choose your kit or products. The premium starter kit is the way to go, my friends! It’s $160 but is $299 in products.

+ Don't forget, you can sign up for Essential Rewards when you order if you want!