Starting with Oils


I am absolutely in LOVE with the Premium Starter Kit from Young Living. If you are new to essential oils, this kit really is the perfect introduction. Not only is it the most cost effective way to start your oil journey, but there are so many uses for this kit! By getting the starter kit you are joining our community of oilers and committing to learning together!! So let’s start with what comes in the kit.


The Premium Starter Kit comes with a total of 11 bottles of essential oils. Here is a list of the included oils and a little bit about what each one does! 

+ Thieves Vitality: Supports healthy immune function. It may also support a healthy respiratory system and contribute to over wellness when taken as a dietary supplement. You can add this to a glass of warm water or tea.

+ DiGize Vitality: Contains peppermint, ginger, and fennel, plus several other essential oils. You can use this with meals to support over all well being. You can use to support healthy digestion.

+ Peppermint Vitality: Supports gastrointestinal system comfort. It promotes healthy bowel function, enhances healthy gut function, and maintains proper efficiency in the digestive tract.

+ Purification: You can diffuse this to freshen air and eliminate odors. You can use this oil on your skin to improve appearance for healthy looking skin. It can be used as a bug spray and is soothing when added to a bath.

+ Copaiba Vitality: Helps supports the body’s response to injury/irriation. It is a driving oil, which means it helps other oils to be even more effective. It can be super soothing and promote youthful appearances.

+ Lemon Vitality: Helps you to maintain good energy, healthy skin, and is a natural body cleanser. This is a main ingredient in Thieves and NingXia Red.

+ PanAway: A best-selling blend containing wintergreen, helichrysum, clove, and peppermint. You can apply topically after exercise to soothe muscles. This is the perfect blend to relieve head discomfort, muscle soreness, and monthly cramps.

+ R.C.: Contains three varieties of Eucalyptus, plus several other essential oils. You can rub on chest or feet before exercising to create an uplifting and inspiring aroma. This blend is perfect before bed because of it’s peaceful nature.

+ Frankincense: This oil is incredible for your skin. It can help ease tension and promote calmness and balance. This is a key ingredient used in Boswellia Wrinkle Cream and Brain Power.

+ Stress Away: A unique blend of vanilla, lime, copaiba, lavender, and other essential oils that helps relieve daily stress, reduces nervousness, and promotes relaxation.

+ Lavender: A popular essential oil known for it’s ability to produce calming. Many use this to help promote a restful night sleep. It can be added into your favorite shampoos, lotions, and products. Mix a few drops into your epsom salts to compliment a luxurious bath.

The price of your kit will vary depending on which diffuser you choose, but if you choose the basic diffuser it will cost $160. This kit allows you to have a wholesale membership, which means that you save 24% on all future purchases! AND if you choose to enroll with me below, as a thank you I will also send you a FREE bonus gift! You will also have access to our team’s secret Facebook groups, webinars, classes, graphics, and more. 


If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, email me

Are you ready to start your journey with essential oils??

+ Go to the Young Living Sign-Up page: SIGN UP HERE!

+ Make sure you’ve checked Young Living wholesale member! (The wholesale will get you 24% discount for life!)

+ Enter this number 2551372 in the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID areas

+ Fill out your information and be sure to include your email. I can contact you this way and add you to our private Facebook group.

+ Choose your kit or products. The premium starter kit is the way to go, my friends! It’s $160 but is $299 in products.

+ You can sign up for Essential Rewards when you order, only if you want. Essentially it means you will spend right around $50 a month ($100 a month if you are selling). You will start building up points which equal free products! You also will receive cheaper shipping, 20% back in points towards free products, and the ability to receive all bonus’s and commissions!