Hello! Thank you so much for joining me!! I'm super excited to get started and get better acquainted. My name is Bethany Barkey. I've been pursuing photography since high school, a little over 10 years now! I studied photography in art school. Some of my favorite photographers are William Eggleston and Henri Caritier Bresson, they are just two of my many favorites!

At this point you might be trying to see how you and photography fit. You probably have equipment that you want to use but are overwhelmed at where to get started. Or maybe you just love using your phone. Guess what, we will talk about that too! Some of my favorite pictures are straight out of my iphone from capture to edit. It all counts for our purposes and my main goal is for you to feel more confident using whatever tools you may have! Ira Glass talks in the video below about the gap between knowing what we love to see and how to get there. The key is to take a lot of pictures and keep going despite the frustration! I hope this class and community is a small step to closing the gap for you. January 2016 is here and your pictures and photography will look completely different once December 2016. Maybe this year should our mantra should be known as "closing the gap"?!



1. Request to Join our class facebook group!

2. Introduce yourself in our class fb group. Include a self-portrait. Think about lighting, the background. It doesn't have to be complicated! Simple like my picture in the sidebar works great or feel free to get creative as well!

3. Share a link to one of your favorite pictures you or some one else has taken and share  a little bit about what you love about it!

5. Add yourself to the student directory.

Thinking should be done beforehand and afterwards–never while actually taking a photograph. Success depends on the extent of one’s general culture, on one’s set of values, one’s clarity of mind and vivacity. The thing to be feared most is the artificially contrived, the contrary to life.
— Henri Cartier-Bresson