Since a few members missed out on last weekend’s deals and a lot of our members love all the deals, Ashley Gulbranson and I wanted to offer something special just for our community!!
TODAY ONLY buy Thieves hand soap or any Savvy Eyeshadows and get one FREE!
Be sure to fill out the google form below for each product ordered!
Have friends wanting to get started with Young Living?? New members joining our community may add a foaming hand soap or eye shadow to starter kits! They simply need to make their order and then fill out the form below to get their freebies!
THANK YOU! for being on this journey with us!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! xoxo
A limit of three shadows and three hand soaps per member.
All freebies will be shipped out in December!
Did you know you can follow our favorite tips on FB and IG? You're more than welcome to share your oily tips and tricks you've learned along the way. Just make sure your profile or photo is public and then tag your pictures with #sweetoilsocial